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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reconcilers or Judges

  Many for lack of understanding confuse reconciling with judging and thereby go down the wrong road which just leads to frustration and failure. The other thing people wrongly interpret is that the ministry of reconciliation is not by Bible standards reconciling man with man but man with God. If each party is willing to be reonciled to God's standards or the Bible, then they can be led down the road of God's truth and apply it to man's imperfections (which do cause conflicts) and bring restauration and restitution. Then one can ask each to accept the wrong they requiere to suffer as an opportunity to forgive and love in an unconditional manner.

   When one of the parties reject the opportunity to be reconciled to God's TRUTH (Jesus, mercy, forgiveness and love) because they want the world's perspective of truth and it's system of harsh justice to rule their diffferences. Then the other party as well has to enter into the world's system to bring solution to the conflict. The only difference here is that the person that rejected the opportunity to take the conflict to the saints for reconciliation has dared God as it states in 1 Corinthians 6:1  and defrauded his brother of the justice of God. and lost the GRACE of God and His mercy and God actually intervines and judges the unbelieving person as if he were his enemy.

Let's be Reconcilers and not Judges