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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Life isn't worth living - Unless you are Fearless

Life that is not filled with 
Eternal Purpose, Vision and Conviction
isn't worth living

  Saddness sums up my feelings when I look around me and see people doing many busy things, and many of them good religious things but all dead works. Spinning their wheels, doing what pleases the world instead of what pleases God. More worried what the Jones or Smiths will say about what and how they are doing things, rather then listening to what the Holy Spirit who is inside our conscience and what He is saying to us.

   My life is wrapped around Purpose, Vision and Conviction. Many times because of these three things operating and motivating my decisions, friends, churches, pastores and ministries have rejected me and my family. I do not mind being rejected by man and their supposed human made networks and influence since my FAITH is not in man but in God who has called, chosen and established me in what we are doing in Mexico. He has delivered me from the mouth of the lion and from the fiery furnace of triales of my faith. He has become the pillar of Great strength that I rely on in all areas of my life. My faith is in Him, and though I do not have GREAT faith, my faith is becoming greater every day as I walk in His counsel and leave the religious to fight things out with the world system of which they have become a part.

Let us live the Adenture of Faith
Free from the Manipulation and Control
of the fears of people and money.

Because perfect love casts out fear and makes us fearless.

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