Living in Mexico I see this problem probably in a greater degree then in Canada or the USA. But here in Mexico and we don't have all this attacking of businesses based on rights which only weakens and destroyes businesses.
Since the fall of Adam and Eve where Eve screwed things up badly and messed it up for all of us. Women have had to suffer the consequence of discrimination. Read Genisis 3 you will find that God himself placed the order we have in the majority of countries around the world. Before women and men were equal but after the sin of Eve things changed and will remain that way under the world's system..
Actually I would rather invest in a company run by women then men because the loyalty among women is higher then men, and most men would agree to that. Men tend to be more ambitious wish leads to being led by other factors then loyalty which makes them a bad long term investment. Actually a business that does not recognize this dynamic will go through a lot of upheavel and changes of personal uintil they find the stable and loyal ones to put into leadership positions.
Yes women you have an uphill battle, but it isn't against businesses nor against men, but against one of your ancestors who brought the discrimination against the women on this planet. So instead of fighting in court the battle, best fight the battle on your knees before God. Instead of blaming the devil or the devil you see in businesses or men for your status like Eve did, try repenting before God to be free from this curse and ride the wave to the top as God had intended for women to be. Resulting in the blessing of equality before God.
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